Madilynn Min McClurg

Madilynn Min McClurg

Min's Story

Late at night in November 2010, a baby girls was left at the gate of an orphanage in Anhui, China. A nanny found her and took her into the orphanage. She called the police then went to an empty crib and gently laid the baby girl down. The girl started to cry, and what started as one mournful voice grew into a loud chorus of abandoned children. The nanny had 15 charges that night and only 2 hands to care for them.

The baby girl in Anhui was given the name Min Ying Yan meaning “her colorful life”. She is now three years old. Her nannies say she is quiet and shy. Her favorite thing to do is play on the swings. Min is growing and learning as best she can within the orphanage, but orphans are thought to be bad luck in China and have no family name or family at all to support and nurture them. At 14, Min will age out of the adoption system and by 16 she may be forced to leave the orphanage.

Min’s Medical Condition:

Adding to Min’s challenges for adoption is a condition called Congenital Melanocytic Nevus or CMN. CMN is a giant dark birthmark that may or may not be covered in hair. Min’s covers approximately one third of her body. Min may need several surgeries to remove some of the giant nevus to allow for healthy skin. She will also need regular monitoring by a dermatologist to watch for changes in the nevus. When we saw her photo, we didn’t see a diagnosis, we saw a smiling little girl needing a loving family.

Our Family

We can and want to give Min a good family, to provide her with unconditional love and support. We believe every child deserves a loving home. We have decided to make adoption a part of our life through the adoption of our children and helping others adopt. We have adopted 4 children in the past 4 years and are aware of the challenges of adopting children. I am an RN which allows me to take care of our children’s medical needs. My husband Shawn is very supportive and hard working providing us with all we need. Please learn more about our family and follow Min’s journey home at


Unfortunately, adopting children is expensive, and we are not in a place financially to fund this on our own. If Min is to become a part of our family, it will mean receiving help from others with a heart and desire to see a little girl joined with the love and support that only a family can provide.

If Min’s story touches your heart, and you feel prompted to help, we would be exceedingly grateful for anything you are able to donate toward the cost of adoption.

Tax deductible donations for Min’s adoption can be made through WACAP (World Association for Children and Parents). Call toll free: 800-732-1887 and give her full name and birth date. (Min Ying Yan, Nov 15, 2010.)  They are located in Renton, WA and accept major credit cards and checks.

 If you have any questions, please email me at

Thank you.